This is Prince Ganger.

Prince, tell us what you've been up to?
I’ve just been in the trenches and working hard everyday.
I absolutely love putting a blueprint for a business together and seeing if it works or not. If it doesn't meet the standards that I need to make it work, I work harder at it. However, if it goes as planned I get a lot of fulfillment out of it. It's interesting that you guys came to me for a story because I actually resonate a lot with your mission. I have tons of respect for how DARK writers left a giant media company to start their own media company.
For those of you who know, I’ve actually crossed that road recently. I’m totally on the side of gaining more creative control in a company you’ve personally started.
How did you create Virtchue, LLC?
Virtchue, was an idea that was pretty much forced to blossom into reality because of a previous business fallout that I had with ex-partners.
I saw potential in another person who is now my partner. Basically, I had an idea. I had the business experience. And I had the drive to get this going.
Most people think you need a lot of different components before you can start a business, but really it just takes the idea and willingness to act on it.

At Virtchue, LLC, we have developed an algorithm that alerts our clients of potentially successful trades that may occur in the Foreign Exchange Market. Not only does this algorithm alert our clients, but it essentially eliminates the psychological aspect of market psychology that traders face before they take a trade. Although the moves of the market are not always easy to catch, we believe that our algorithm increases a trader’s chances in anticipating when those moves may occur in the market. I’m super excited and proud of the community we built that are involved with Virtchue, LLC. The culture that we’ve created for our customers is just incredible. I always thought that developing the skill of trading is a difficult task by itself, but I believe that trading all alone without a solid team is even harder.
At Virtchue, we genuinely care and want our team to excel to a point where they can trade full-time.
Was it hard for you to leave your previous company and start something else?
It's never easy leaving a company that you care deeply about. But in every company problems and issues are going to arise. In my experience, the strength of a company really shows when that company is faced with internal issues. I had mixed feelings about whether it was easy or not for me to leave. To be honest, it was easy leaving my partners behind because I had a stronger vision for what value I can bring to a company and it just wasn’t happening there.
What's really hard about leaving a business that you helped build into a million-dollar company, is getting over the fact that all of that hard work and time has sort of gone to waste. But most importantly, the hardest part of it all was leaving the motivated and hardworking students behind. I hope that I did everything I could to help them grow as day traders.
Another thing that I think is important when it comes to building the identity of a company, is to stay away from the over-generalized glam behind social media these days. People need to understand that Instagram are just highlights of successes and good fortune. Some of it is not even real. So, if you're failing and you're wondering how all of these people are constantly winning, don’t worry you're not alone. It's not the case. You are being sold something that appears really easy to achieve, when in reality, it isn’t. Everyone needs to put in some type of work and in that work are struggles, constant failures, and adversities that you don’t get to see on social media all the time. So do not worry about what you see on your feed because most of it is all fluff.
You need to know this; so that when you face adversity you do not crumble under that pressure because you know it's all just part of the plan.
What sort of advice would you give someone who is in a similar predicament?
If you start a company with people you trust you should listen to each other's ideas and come to an agreement on what should be done to grow together. This should be done as a team.
However, if your ideas are constantly overlooked and you strongly believe in those ideas, then you should really evaluate where your role in a company is and ask yourself if your energy, passion and ideas can be better spent somewhere else. If you ave that gut feeling; then go for it.
Contact info:
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